Roger Zelazny on the Web 0. Roger Zelazny on the Web mail me I would very much like to talk to you. Castle Fantastic edited by John DeChanice and Martin Greenberg contains the last known published Amber Short Story, "Hall of Mirrors". And although more information of the fifth item follows, this story would be the sixth in publication/release dates. The fifth project would be a computergame >Chronomaster. I haven't finsihed the game, and the link URLs I have for it aren't working at this moment so I'll leave them off for now. Okay, so there it is, but you are confused. I mention the second and third and final Amber short story and not the first. Well this was written and published while Roger was still part of this Shadow. The story "The Salesman's Tale" to my knowledge was only printed in Amberzine, Issue #6 by "phage.txt Phage Press. I hope that some time in the future it will be reprinted in some collection more available to the general public. Until then, use the above link to find out how to contact them. One last thing, although it isn't exactly Roger Zelazny who did it, Theodore Krulik wrote a book entitled The Complete Amber Sourcebook which takes all the people and places and gives a brief synopsis and evaluation of them. Here are some links that I have found to other Roger Zelazny resources on the Web!
    Here's the one I've been waiting to find for many moons. " In Memorium of Roger Zelazny written and posted by his good friend George R. R. Martin on 14 June 1995. ""> An opinions page about the Amber novels, not very much in the way of reviews or information. ",Roger.txt A short biblio of works, a link to Amber timeline and an Amber parody. The timeline was a bit strange (as things of Amber tend to be) and was very speculative in places. Didn't read the parody. " Extremely non-comprehensive listing of works. More commentary on Amber but at least this has some substance and isn't awful. ""> List of reviews by SF authros. RZ's Lord of Light and Flare coloboration. Not yet done in html (no text link). [I leave this here without specific files so that when they are ready I can more easily adjust for it. Thanks for your patience.] ""> A more complete works list with polling... author of list can't verify some of the titles. ""> Somewaht detailed and comprehensive listing of works. Applauds! ""> Same list as above, just an ftp link. A good link... ",Roge r"> reviews of some older RZ for newer readers... far from comprehensive, but it isn't suposed to be. Not very large an entry but this " essay-like entry discusses Roger Zelazny and Steven Brust in very broad terms. This is a copy (reprinted without permission) of the " Obituary from the Houston Chronicle. " Here's a fine link to a Roger Zelazny page with all kinds of info! And yet " another link which I haven't been to since I found so I don't recall what's here. Here are a couple of humorous links based on quotes from two of RZ's works" Beginning with the Agnostic's Prayer and " " Ending with this one from Merlin's Chronicles. And here's an" RZ Interview by Garner Johnson.
I know this list of links is nowhere near complete. If you know of any good links that I may add to this listing please "">mail me.

My thanks to all of you who visit regularly and have contributed. I have some things that I need to put up here and will attempt to get to as soon as possible. Thanks again to all of you! And for the record you are visitor number Return to" The Lair This page last modified 9 June 1996 Last-modified: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 06:54:50 GMT